What if I do not mention the return statement in the async function?

What if I do not mention the return statement in the async function?

What if I do not mention the return statement in the async function?

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If you don't include a return statement in an async function, the function will still run without any errors. However, it will return an implicit value of undefined.

In other words, if you try to await the async function, you will get a resolved Promise with the value undefined.

For example, consider the following async function:

javascriptCopy codeasync function exampleAsyncFunction() {
  console.log("This function doesn't have a return statement");

(async () => {
  const result = await exampleAsyncFunction();
  console.log(result); // Output: undefined

In this example, exampleAsyncFunction doesn't have a return statement, so it will implicitly return undefined. When we await this function, we get a resolved Promise with the value undefined, which we log to the console.

It's generally a good practice to include a return statement in your async functions to make the return value explicit and avoid confusion.